Write a Effective Cover Letter

A cover letter tells the employer the type of position you're seeking and highlights the specific aspects of your experience that qualify you for a particular position. Your cover letter can explain things that your resume can't. If you have large gaps in your employment history because of school or you are reentering the job market or changing the focus of your career, a cover letter can explain these circumstances in a positive way.

The cover letter should never, ever exceed one page, and it's best to keep it well under a full page.

Be Sure to Include the Following:
  • Include the position title (and number if provided) in the first paragraph of the cover letter (If e-mailing, make sure to include this information in the subject heading of your e-mail)
  • Include your educational background (whether you are currently in an MBA program or have recently graduated from one)
  • Make specific references to the company and indicate your knowledge of the company’s primary operations (Visit the company’s website prior to applying for the position)
  • State how your qualifications meet the criteria of the position you are applying for (Include past academic and business experiences as examples of how you utilized your qualifications)
  • Highlight the most relevant accomplishments, skills and experience listed in your resume (Point to your resume in some way, i.e. “as detailed in the enclosed resume”)
Format Tips:
  • A cover letter should be in paragraph form with a conversational, yet professional tone.  Bullets can be used to emphasize relevant skills and experiences.
  • The first paragraph should be brief (1-2 sentences) stating what job you are applying for and how you learned about the position. Include any personal contacts you have in company that you’ve spoken with about the job. Entice the reader to want to learn more about you
  • The body of your letter should consist of one to two paragraphs where you expand upon your qualifications for the position. Pick out the most relevant qualifications listed in your resume and demonstrate how your experience qualifies you for the job
  • When possible, quantify your skills and demonstrate with examples


  1. Excellent tips!! Because it makes the job seekers to prepare an impressive cover letter, by avoiding the mistakes, which results in reducing the unemployment rate.

     Sample Letters 


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