Resume Writing Tips

Resumes or often known as Curriculum Vitae (CV) should be drafted very carefully and few things should be kept in mind like the employer's profile and the job description too, of course. They are not just documents that give your credentials, but also things that advertise your employability. Top three resume writing tips for IT professionals are given in the following paragraphs of this write up.

Your Candidature

What matters in getting a job is the kind of experience you have in your field; for example, whether you were a full time or a part time employee, your designation, quantum of responsibilities, etc. In case you are a fresher, then whether you have had any professional experience or done internships somewhere, how good are your basics, etc. Freshmen's academic qualification and scores do hold a lot of importance and usually are the main selection criteria for an interview.

Highlight Positives

This is the reason why it is told to highlight your strengths well in the resume. If you think your marks or grades are not up to the mark for that particular employer, do highlight your extra curricular activities or your projects. You may include your hobbies too if they are relevant to the job and if you think can influence and persuade the employer into considering you as an eligible candidate for the job.

Exact Job Profile & Keywords

Depending on your exact job profile and the employer's demands, decide which points should be highlighted. Study the requirements well and go through the organization's profile too. If you are thinking why to look into details when this press release is about IT professionals, let us tell you that there are innumerable kinds of jobs for IT professionals and not every job demands knowledge of software programs and coding. So have a look at that and highlight the keywords for that job profile in the resume.

Resume Format & Formatting

The format of the resume is as important as the content of the resume, because it is all about presentation. It takes just about few seconds, less than five seconds to be precise to glance through and make up one's mind whether to call the candidate for the interview or not. You do not want to risk your job just because you did not pay proper attention to the formatting and lay out of the resume contents.

Use minimal formatting, i.e. just bold, underline and use bulleted lists to give details about the job responsibilities you had undertaken in your previous jobs. Avoid using any colors on the page. Use A4 size paper and adjust the font size to such a size that the resume does not exceed more than two pages. It should neither be too big nor too small. Also, use a standard font face in the soft copy.

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