Example Sales Letter Writing

An example sales letter can help you write, organize, and paginate your letter. The Internet offers opportunities for you to closely examine an example letter and tutor yourself in writing. You may copy and paste parts or the whole of it onto the computer for use in case you are not too comfortable with sales copywriting, but make sure they are only used as examples and to generate ideas. Originality and customization are key. Other options are to purchase software to accomplish the task or hire a sales writer. Probably the use of example sales letter is the most pocket-friendly among all the alternatives.

Every example letter has unique features. Depending upon the business you are running and the objectives you wish to achieve, select the example sales letter. The should letters highlight an added bonus or an incentive that is being offered by you. Such sales copy is usually sent through conventional mail or email.

The appearance of a typical example sales letter may be along the lines described below:

• The name of your business
• Your name and title
• Business address with name of city, state and zip code
• Planned date for dispatch.
• Name of the customer
• Title
• Name of the company
• Address of the customer with city, state and zip code
• An appropriate salutation with the name of the customer. You can address the customer with "Dear".

The rest of the letter is to be divided into three well defined paragraphs.

First paragraph - This is the introductory paragraph and should revolve around the customer, pointing out why the letter is being sent to him. Use words like "You" so that the reader of the letter feels all-important and is being singled out.

Second paragraph - This is the main body of the letter and should focus on any incentives or bonuses you are offering. Any kind of discounts or sale at slashed prices is to be mentioned in the second paragraph. Words like "Free" or "Limited period offer" immediately attract the potential consumer's attention.

Third paragraph - This is the final or the concluding paragraph. It is written to summarize the contents of the entire letter, restating the advantages of buying the product or service.

• A farewell greeting with "Thank you" or "Sincerely"
• Your name and title

To be branded as an effective example sales letter writer, use language that is simple Sales letter writing should be as you would converse with the readers. This is a good way to show to your readers that there is a close bonding between the two of you. A more formal business calls for a different stance. Do not bombard the reader with too much information or else you will scare them stiff or turn them off. Hence the letter you so painstakingly penned is going to be chucked away.

Look for an example sales letter which best serves your purpose. Find one that will further your business. Go ahead with taking the help of a letter writer for its implementation and reach your target, in case you are uncertain how to do it yourself.


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