Announcement Letter Writing Tips

Announcement letters are basically For Your Information (FYI) letters. These letters are written to inform all concerned parties or public of any development in the existing environment. These can be both formal and informal. The formal ones are called business announcement, and the informal ones are personal announcement.

As the name suggests, business letters are generally written by business organizations, government authorities and professional bodies for any kind of business communication. Examples of business announcement letters are:

Announcement -
1. To the shareholders of any change in company's registered address.
2. By the government to the exporters' forum of a new export policy.
3. Of a new employee in the company.
4. Of a change in the discount offered to the suppliers.

Personal letters are written among friends and family members. Examples of personal announcement letters are:

Announcement -
1. Of a marriage in the family to the relatives.
2. Of a vacation trip to the relatives.
3. Of a death in the family.
4. Of a beach party to the friends.

Irrespective of the type of announcement you make, the tips given below will help you to write an effective and winning announcement letter:

1. Objective of the announcement -Identify the objective that you wish to attain from the message of the announcement. For example - The objective of a weather forecast announcement is to help people plan their schedules in advance to the forecast weather conditions.

2. Accuracy of the content - The content of the message should be carefully written. Any inaccuracy will lead to misleading interpretations and confusion.

3. Length of the content - The content should be concise and clear. Before releasing the letter, the content should be revised to remove redundant words and phrases.

4. Intellectual capacity of the readers - The content should be worded in a language that is easily comprehensible by its readers. For e.g. the use of legal jargon to announce a new social policy is incomprehensible by the general public.

5. Impact of the announcement - Be straightforward if the announcement is bad. Also, add positive statements to ease off the pressure of bad news on the readers. On the other hand, if it is good, use a friendly tone and acknowledge all those who contributed towards the development.

6. Nature of the tone - The tone of the message should be neutral. It should not reflect the announcer's perception towards the message.


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