How to Write an Employee Appointment

The letter is more than just a goodwill gesture, however. It also serves as a contract between you and the prospective employee. For this reason, be sure to include all the terms, conditions and specifics of the offer. Close the letter with a few positive words, remembering that your letter might set the tone for this new business relationship. 

Step 1 

Open your letter on a warm, welcoming note that also summarizes your purpose for writing. For example, you might say in the first paragraph: “I am pleased to confirm your selection as ABC Company’s new marketing manager, with a starting date of Monday, March 26, 2012.”

Step 2

Describe the employee’s job responsibilities, the general work hours and the length of any probation period, if applicable. If the position requires a great deal of travel, be sure to specify the percentage of time the employee is expected to be on the road. For example: “As we discussed, the marketing manager is expected to travel to in-state and out-of-state clients about 40 percent of the time, at a schedule to be determined with the marketing director.”

Step 3

Cite the employee’s salary, medical benefits and other terms that were discussed during the interview process. For the sake of brevity, include an employee handbook with your letter and reference it in the body of the appointment letter. Be sure to point out other highlights of the handbook, which may include company procedures, holiday and vacation policies and dress codes.

Step 4

Ask the prospective employee to sign and date the letter in a space designated at the bottom of the letter. Include a date by which you would like the appointment letter returned. Tell the employee that one copy will be returned to him once it is signed by the appropriate company representative.

Step 5

Close the letter on a positive note. For example, you might write, "We very much look forward to your response to this letter. We are confident that your skills and background will be valuable assets. If you have any questions about this offer, please do not hesitate to call me at 888-123-4567. In the meantime, congratulations and please know that we at ABC Company look forward to a long and mutually beneficial working relationship."


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