How to Write an Invitation Letter for Annual Staff Party

Party invitation letter are a way of inviting people to gather in a certain place and also letting them know what they can expect to experience at the party. When you writing a party invitation letter, always have a provision of between two to eight weeks, time you will use to send out the party invitations before the day of the party. 

Address the Receiver

Adopt a formal tone to address the receiver, like “Dear Mr. or Ms., followed by his/her second name and comma (,).

Invite the Staff Members

Formally invite the staff members on behalf of the company, mentioning the date, venue and timings of the annual staff party.

Highlight the top Management

The members of the low and middle management hardly get the opportunity to meet the top management of the company. If any of the important top management is expected to participate or address the party, don’t forget to mention it in the letter in order to motivate the staff to attend the event.

Mention the Dos and Don’ts of the Party – if any

It will be helpful for the invited members to avoid any sort of embarrassment. Clearly mention the theme, dress code or any other conditions of the party, especially if the families are invited or not.


Request the invited members to let you know in advance that either they would be attending the party or not. It helps in getting an idea of the overall number of participants.

Close the Letter Formally

Close the letter with one simple formal sentence that you are hoping to see the receiver in the Annual Staff Party, followed by a simple closing salutation.

Tips to Write an Invitation Letter for Annual Staff Party:

  • Proof read it two to three times in order to make it error free. Additionally, remove all the irrelevant information and phrase or simply reset them properly.
  • Print this letter on the Company letter head
  • Wordings of the letter should be very formal and decent.
  • Describe the dos and don’ts of the event in a professional and sober manner so that the receiver digests them easily.
  • Send the letters at least few days ahead of the party so that the employees can provide you with the RSVP on time.
  • Make RSVP must for the staff so that the party’s organizing team can make arrangements according to the number of participants.
  • If you find it difficult to address the employees one by one, simply write one invitation letter for all and address all staff as “Dear Employees.”


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