3 Simple Steps to Make it to the Job Interview

A simple resume cover letter that stands out is one that comes across honest with desire to learn. Regardless on how much experience you may have on the subject. There's always room to grow and learn from others in the field. This I know can help anyone's chances of being hired. The following three have helped my get to more interviews than anything else.

To keep it as simple a resume cover letter as possible. I know at times we have many points we want to put on the page but consider the amount the reader has to read. You don't want to be the one who wrote a book and the reader just passed it up because it looked like a task just to get through the cover letter. The following step I know helped me cut down my cover letter size and make them go to the resume.

Here's what I did to make them read my resume. Let's say I'm talking about past team experience on projects. I would say something like "as you'll notice on the projects section of my resume, I worked on the XYZ program and several others that had great success. They're all pointed out on that section for your review." This way I would give them something to turn the page for. Otherwise, the reader might think there's nothing new to read on the resume. Many people tend to repeat what's on the cover letter and the resume. Don't do that and keep it a simple resume cover letter.

The third would be a question. Where does exaggeration become a lie? Remember we started with the point of being honest on our letter. I know how sometimes I was tempted to exaggerate my letter to the point where it had parts that weren't exactly truths. I don't recommend lies on the cover letter. They can come back and bite you. Instead, I would focus on my desire to learn and my ability to pick things up quickly with minimal delays or loss of productivity. In cases where I was limited on experience or I wanted to make my letter a little more specific to the industry I would use my resume creator to clean up the language I used for more specific language to the field.


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