How Important Are Cover Letters?

Employers receive thousands of job applications. The truth is that most applicants have the necessary educational qualifications and work experience. So why should they choose you over someone else? What are the factors that usually influence the hiring decision? Well, to be the chosen one, you have to make your job application stand out from the rest. But how? It is simple. You just need to write a winning cover letter and resume.

How important are they?

By writing an effective resume cover letter, you can improve your chancing of receiving an interview. Studies have proved that the vast majority of resumes that land in the dustbin are those that weren't accompanied by a good job application letter. Your cover letter is the first thing that reaches the hands of a potential employer. If it is impressive, they will take a closer look at your resume. If it isn't, they are more likely to toss your resume into the dustbin.

Your cover letter is no different from a sales letter. It sells your resume; therefore it sells you. Unfortunately, many job hunters don't understand how important it is. They either neglect it or write a poor letter. They might have spent hours in writing a good resume, but all that time and effort won't bear any fruit if the resume isn't accompanied by a good cover letter.

Do not use generic letters

Do not use generic letters. It is a mistake many job hunters commit. They just draft an application letter and then send it to all potential employers. Unfortunately a generic letter can't explain why you are a perfect match for the job position in question. It simply gives some information about you, but that isn't enough to receive an interview. If you want the employer to call you back, you have to clearly explain why you are a strong candidate for the specific position you have applied for. Therefore, write different cover letters for different job positions.

Don't just fill the cover letter with general information. It must match the job description. Remember that the employer isn't exactly interested in you. He / she is only interested in knowing what you can do for them.


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