Referral Cover Letter Writing Tips

As a result of increased job opportunities, the job search competition has also intensified. Hence, for a limited number of vacancies we find a heap of applications and the recruiter is loaded with applications. So, in order to screen such applications, he applies various criteria such as under-qualification, over-qualification, salary expectation, recommendations and many more and thereby, reduces applications to a manageable number. This helps to lower the number of applications and thereby, reduces the employer's burden to go through each resume and cover letter.

Tips for writing referral cover letters:
  • Think about the person who has an appropriate authority to put forth your recommendation and ensure that he would positively pose your profile in front of the potential employer
  • Select the one having a strong personal favor for you and good convincing power to influence the reader considerably.Thus, once you select the appropriate authority, approach him and put forth your request in connection with the same.
  • Ensure that he is willing to render a positive opinion in your favor. It can be a suitable authority from your previous working place. So, you can get such letter from human resource personnel as well.
  • Don't forget to mention 'to whom it may concern' on the letter, as the recommending person is not individually responsible for candidate's conduct and does not have a personal interest in the person he is recommending.Present your abilities professionally and they should be credible and trustworthy.
  • Don't boast unnecessarily. Give a proper and honest opinion about the candidate and highlight his key skills, abilities and remarkable achievements in his work.Thus, judging the candidate on sound fundamental grounds would surely help to convince the employer about his suitability for the offer.
  • Admire the sense of honesty and loyalty of such candidates and focus his consistent performance and constant learning aptitude which helps to put forth his ability to adapt to the environmental changes and being flexible at solving matters linked with the position.
  • Don't give prejudiced or biased opinion about the candidate. Be specific and relevant in stating the candidature of the given person and render a positive favor for him. Try to convince the employer by displaying his unusual talent and technical expertise in the matters.
  • Follow a proper professional letter format and deal with all its essential element such as addresses of relevant persons, salutation, date, job titles or designation, company name etc. State your relations with the candidate.
  • Request the employer to go through the given details and the resume of the candidate which would help to judge his profile in the light of such knowledge. Thus, your letter should make the necessary impact and persuade the reader to refer to the candidate details in depth.


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