Tips For Writing Cover Letters

A cover letter typically accompanies a resume. A good cover letter should complement a resume, not duplicate it. It's purpose is to interpret the resume and add your personal touch creating a critical first impression. So knowing these tips for writing cover letters could be just what you need to get that job interview over your competition.

Your cover letter is an essential part of your job search and should be tailored and targeted to individual employers whenever possible. When you know the name of the company and person to whom you will be sending your resume, then a cover letter is essential. Here you can state more specifically what type of work you are applying for, which is especially valuable if you omitted an Objective on your resume. It also gives you the chance to write less formally about who you are, what you can accomplish in the position and what you know about the firm you are applying to. Lastly, this item can really help separate you from the crowd. you must research the firm whenever possible and demonstrate you know:

Something, anything special about the products or services they produce.
Their target markets: business, general consumer, national or international.
Their current hiring needs and how you can help fill those needs.

Below are 5 key tips for writing cover letters that will certainly help separate you from all the rest:
  • The exact title of the position you are interested in. If that's not possible, then state the general type of work you are applying for.
  • Why you want to work for this company.
  • A sample of what you know about the company's product lines, marketing strategies, type of clientele, and where they stand against their competitors.
  • If you are open to travel or relocating, then state that in your cover letter. If not, omit this all together.
  • Any other specific items about yourself or the job that will help get you that very important interview.
Your cover letter should help generate interest in you and your attached resume. You then close by requesting an interview, or better yet, telling the reader when you will be calling to arrange an interview. Personal contact shows you are aggressive and interested in that firm specifically.

The above tips for writing cover letters will get you that interview.

Writing a good cover letter can seem like a daunting task. But there is an easy way to crank out professional cover letters in a matter of minutes. If you want to learn how, click here and get ready for that interview.


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